Laws & Rules Governing the Practice of Nursing in Florida
$10.00 – 2 Hour CEU
This program presents information from Florida Statutes 456 and 464, and rules of the Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 64B9, and is designed to fulfill the continuing education requirement for two hours of education, required for nurses in every license renewal period. This course is elective for Nursing Home Administrators and Certified Nursing Assistants.
Course content addresses the legislative purpose and standards in the Florida Nurse Practice Act, evolving continuing education requirements, ethical principals guiding the practice of nursing, distinctions between the scope of practice of Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants, handling of disciplinary issues, the Intervention Program for Nurses (IPN), and the impact of the Nurse Licensure Compact on Florida nurses.
We are pleased to address any questions regarding our CEU courses:
(561) 683-2700
(Request Education Department)
CEU's | Fee | Nursing | CNA | Nursing Home Admin |
Osteopathic Physician |
Dietetics Nutrition |
Social Work |
Marriage & Family Therapy |
Mental Health Counselor |
2.0 | 10.00 | Required | Yes |
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