Advocates traveled to Tallahassee
Advocates traveled to Tallahassee
Information packets distributed
One of the services provided on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Community Care families is advocacy on the state level. Over the years, the Organization has been the driving force in advocating and establishing much needed legislation in the state of Florida. We have developed and fostered strong relationships with lawmakers at the State Capitol in Tallahassee, through annual advocacy trips to educate them on the latest information from Alzheimer’s Community Care.
<- 2019 Advocacy Trip to the State Capitol in Tallahassee. CEO Mary M. Barnes speaking at the Silver Alert press conference.
He made seniors his priority in the 2020 legislative session. He sponsored House Bill 835 to improve elder care services with the creation of a Dementia Director position at the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.
Strong advocate on behalf of the state’s senior population for a long time, helping shepherd issues that assist the elderly with transportation, accessibility, and affordable prescriptions.
Championed Palm Beach County communities for decades. During the 2020 legislative session, Rep. Caruso was integral to providing funding for Florida’s vulnerable adults.
Collaborated with many members of Florida’s House and Senate this year to ensure that funding for individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia in Florida was a priority.
Supported our work to provide the best services and care to individuals with Alzheimer’s and dementia throughout her career. During the 2020 session, her priority to fund programs for vulnerable seniors made a huge difference.
Alzheimer’s Community Care works with law enforcement agencies in Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie counties to ensure proper locator programs that help Alzheimer’s families.
With advances in medical technology and the increasing pressures the Alzheimer’s community faces every day, Locator ID programs can make the big difference in saving the lives of our most vulnerable citizens.
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