When you support Alzheimer’s Community Care, you help provide a vital haven for Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers. As Florida’s largest provider of community-based, family-centered care for Alzheimer’s patients, we provide essential resources that give patients and caregivers much needed peace of mind. With your help, there is hope.  

Give the Gift of Hope

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Memory Circle

Vehicle Donation

Priorities to Support

  • Specialized Alzheimer’s Day Centers
  • ID Locator Service
  • Day Center Enrichment Programs (Companion Pets, Art Therapy, Music Therapy)
  • Professional and Community Education
  • Educational Conference
  • Advocacy and Community Outreach
  • Family Nurse Navigators and Case Managers

Your Gifts at Work

ID Locator Service

Thanks to donors, our ID Locator Service provides a free solution to ensure the safety and security of patients with Alzheimer’s disease or a related neurocognitive disorder.

Specialized Day Centers

Our centers maintain a staff-to-patient ratio of 1-to-5 to ensure each patient receives the individualized, enriching care needed.


We provide the latest education on Alzheimer’s disease and related neurocognitive disorders for patients, caregivers, staff, law enforcement, students of health professions and community health care partners.

Pet Therapy

With your support, we provide electronic pets to soothe and comfort patients.

Music Therapy

Music evokes memories and emotions, making it the perfect therapeutic solution for patients. Thanks to you, we provide patients with world-class musical experiences.

Art Therapy

Art gives Alzheimer’s patients a much-needed outlet for self-expression and communication. With your support, we help Alzheimer’s patients’ creativity shine.

Dance Therapy

The value of movement does not decrease with age! Your support allows us to implement dance therapy across our centers bringing smiles to our patient’s faces. 

Special People Doing Special Things

Our Partners
